"CHRIST hath redeemed us from the curse of the law. . .
that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ;
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3:13,
14. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.1}
We are redeemed from the curse of the law, in order that we
may have the blessing of Abraham; and we receive the blessing of Abraham, in
order that we may receive the promise of the Spirit. {October 12, 1897 ATJ,
ARSH 646.2}
Without being redeemed from the curse of the law, we cannot
have the blessing of Abraham. And without the blessing of Abraham, we cannot
have the promise of the Spirit. Without the blessing of Abraham no one need ask
for the gift of the Holy Spirit; for without that it cannot be given. However
much a person may desire the gift of the Spirit, and however much he may ask,
he cannot have it unless he has the blessing of Abraham first. {October 12,
1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.3}
Not that the Lord does not want to give his Spirit to
whomsoever asks; not that he fixes a hard standard, and compels every one, as a
sort of penance, to come to that, or else he will not give his Spirit. No, no;
but because that for the Lord to give his Holy Spirit to any person who has not
the blessing of Abraham would be only to put his seal upon sin, and baptize sin
for righteousness. This, of course, God never can do; and this, of course, no
one would ever knowingly ask him to do. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.4}
It is, therefore, all-important to know what the blessing of
Abraham is, and to have it in possession. For when this is so, to all such the
Holy Spirit is freely given, and without measure; and every such one that
asketh receiveth: for he asks in faith, he asks according to the will of God,
and knows that he receives. The blessing of Abraham is the key that opens into
the fulness of the Holy Spirit: with this we may enter freely, and enjoy all
his treasures; without this we must stand without, and, even though longing for
it, can never obtain. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.5}
What, then, is the blessing of Abraham? In that same chapter
of Galatians, verse 9, we read: "They which be of faith are blessed with
faithful Abraham." They which be of faith are blessed,—the blessing comes
by faith. And they "are blessed with faithful Abraham." Abraham
obtained the blessing by faith. Faith itself is not the blessing; it is by
faith that the blessing is received. It has to be so; for, "Whatsoever is
not of faith is sin." {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.6}
So, then, the blessing came to Abraham by faith,—the
blessing of Abraham is received by faith. What did Abraham receive by
faith?—"Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."
Verse 6. The blessing that Abraham received by faith was righteousness. Is
righteousness by faith, then, the blessing of Abraham?—It look like it, doesn't
it? {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.7}
Let us see further, whether this will hold good: "What
shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath
found?" Rom. 4:1. We know he found a blessing: for the Scripture speaks of
the "blessing of Abraham," and it comes on us through Jesus Christ.
{October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.8}
If we are correct in thinking that righteousness by faith is
the blessing of Abraham, then when the Scripture would tell us what Abraham
found, we should expect it to take up this thought first of all. {October 12,
1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.9}
How is it, then?—It is even so; for the Scripture proceeds
(Rom. 4:2): "For is Abraham were justified [counted righteous] by works,
he hath whereof to glory; but not before God." Anything in which a man
cannot glory before God is no blessing at all. And as if Abraham had been
counted righteous by work, he could not have gloried before God, it is
perfectly plain that righteousness by works is not the blessing of Abraham.
{October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.10}
What then? "What saith the Scripture?—Abraham believed
God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh, is
the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but
believeth on him that justifieth [counteth righteous] the ungodly, his faith is
counted for righteousness." This, then, is righteousness by faith—exactly
what Abraham found. Abraham found a blessing; righteousness by faith, then,
must be the blessing of Abraham. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.11}
But does the Scripture speak of this as a blessing, in such
a way that we may be perfectly sure that just this is the blessing of Abraham?
Read on: "Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto
whom God imputeth righteousness without works." The word says that Abraham
received a blessing by believing God. And then, continuing directly on that
subject, the same word says that David describes the blessedness of the man who
receives what Abraham received. It is certain that there was only
"blessedness" in what Abraham received; what Abraham received was
righteousness, and he received it by believing God; therefore it is certain
that righteousness by faith is the "blessedness," the blessing, of
Abraham. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.12}
How does David describe the blessedness of Abraham, and of
all other men who receive what Abraham received?—Thus: "Blessed are they
who iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to
whom the Lord will not impute sin." {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.13}
The word "forgiven" is made up of "for"
and "given." When iniquities are "forgiven," something is
given for them. What is it that is given for them?—Righteousness, to be sure;
for God has set forth Christ "to declare his righteousness for the
remission of sins that are past." And, blessed are they "whose sins
are covered." "He hath covered me with the robe of
righteousness." {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.14}
What is imputed to the man to whom sin is not
imputed?—Righteousness only; for he is describing the man "unto whom God
imputeth righteousness." {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.15}
God gave Abraham righteousness for his iniquities; him who
was sin, God covered with the robe of righteousness; and to him the Lord
imputed righteousness instead of sin. It was all the righteousness of God,
through and through. This is what Abraham received, and he received it by
faith. there was in it blessedness to Abraham. And David describes the
blessedness of all other men who receive it. This, then, is the blessing of
Abraham. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.16}
But the Scripture tells it yet again: "Cometh this
blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also?
for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness." There
can be no shadow of doubt, therefore, that the righteousness of God which is by
faith is in very truth the blessing of Abraham. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH
Now have you the blessing of Abraham? Where did you get the
righteousness that you claim, and upon which you depend for acceptance and
approval with God? Did you get it from God himself? Did you get it by believing
God? or did you get it by "doing your best"? {October 12, 1897 ATJ,
ARSH 646.18}
If you have any righteousness that you did not get from God,
then you have no righteousness that you did not get by believing God, then you
have none at all. If you have any other righteousness than the righteousness of
God, then you have none at all. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.19}
It is the righteousness of God, and that alone, which men
must seek. None other will avail. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God ,
and his righteousness." It is a free gift to every soul in the world.
"Being justified [counted
righteous] [sic] freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ
Jesus, whom God has set forth. . . to declare his righteousness for the
remission of sins that are past." "Even the righteousness of God
which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe; for
there is no difference." {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.20}
Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for
righteousness. "Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was
imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on
him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead." And you do believe on
him. Then accept his righteousness freely, and in all its fulness, as freely
and fully as it is given. {October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.21}
The righteousness of God, which is by faith, is the blessing
of Abraham. They which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. Thank the
Lord for it, and thus accept the blessing of Abraham. For Christ has redeemed
us from the curse of the law,—he has done it,—that the blessing of Abraham
might come on us. Please do not, by unbelief, keep that blessing away. Cast
away unbelief. Believe God, and let the blessing of Abraham, the righteousness
of God, flow in, and fill all the life with its power and its sweet savor.
{October 12, 1897 ATJ, ARSH 646.22}